Daughters of the King

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The Order of the Daughters of the King

 We are a group of committed Episcopal women of St. Mary Magdalene Church, who have taken a lifelong vow pledging ourselves to a life of prayer and service and dedicating our lives to the strengthening of the spiritual life of the parish, while relying on one another for spiritual support.

The object of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service and Evangelism.  We are an “Order,” not an organization, and members follow a Rule of Life, which includes the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service.  By wearing the DOK cross daily, Evangelism just happens.

 Study is vital to all Daughters’ chapters so that members continue to grow in knowledge and faith; study is central to all chapter meetings.  Meetings are held to suit members’ needs and schedules.  Prayer is the foundation upon which Daughters respond to God in service to others.  Daughters join in existing ministries (altar guild, choir, education, outreach) and create new ones.  One of the major services is to assist the clergy in whatever way possible for the spiritual growth of the parish.  Our Chapter helps those that are bereaved by preparing lovely receptions for family and friends after a memorial or funeral service here at St. Mary Magdalene Church.  Daughters do not raise money or sponsor any event in the name of the Order.  Evangelism simply means to communicate Christ’s message and His Love in the power of His Holy Spirit, which Daughters do in numerous quiet ways.

Upon completion of the study, there is a service of installation.  Membership dues to the National Office of the DOK for the first year are $65, which includes a silver cross.  Membership dues, including a rhodium-plated bronze cross are $25.  Thereafter, annual dues are $40, which help defray expenses at the diocesan, province, and national office levels.

If you are interested in getting involved or just getting more information about the DOK, please call the church office.