Global Mission Efforts

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Mission and Outreach (M&O) Overview

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8

God calls us to be a priesthood of all believers and to be involved in ministry. St.MM offers opportunities for witness and outreach in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.

Global Missions

Youth – Once again, the children at St.MM voted to use the congregation’s ERD Hope Chest contributions of $1,078 to provide animals to families in undeveloped countries. 2018’s choices were one cow, four pigs, and two pig shares! The children were excited to have been made decision-makers for such an important job while helping many needy families.

Miles of Pennies is a program of the Church Periodical Club, which awards grants to provide free literature to children and adults: educational materials, and Prayer Books. A mile of pennies is $844.80 pennies! Drop yours in the jar in the Narthex!

Dominican Mission – Our formal mission relationship is with our Companion Diocese, the Diocese of the Dominican Republic (DR).

With a scholarship of $350 each year, we support Glorianny at Jesús Peregrino (Jesus the Pilgrim) Preschool and Shelter in a very poor barrio (neighborhood) in Barahona. Glorianny is thriving in early childhood education.

Safe Passage – Since 2009 we have sponsored a student, currently Mayra 16, at Safe Passage.  This organization empowers the poorest at-risk children, whose families live in the Guatemala City garbage dump community, by creating opportunities and fostering dignity through the power of education.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) For the last several years, St.MM has participated in this world-wide effort of Samaritan’s Purse. We fill standard-size shoeboxes with age-appropriate gifts that would delight a child—toys, school supplies, hygiene items, etc. The boxes are shipped all over the world and given to children who might not otherwise have any presents at all. As well as the goodies, the children receive an opportunity to learn about Christ. This program is life changing for so many.